Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Controversial Humor

     As you may know, I have a bit of a problem with the [Controversial Humor] tag for Facebook pages. Namely that this allows pages to post stuff far worse than what I got my first page (and rl account) banned for.

     Moving on.

     These pages are clearly run by the biggest try-hards in existence. There's nothing "controversial" about this so-called humor. They write off any opposition to their posts as people just being butthurt, and continue to pander to the lowest common denominator of audiences.

     I'm not going to claim that, if done right, humor that could be described as controversial can't be funny. It can. I've personally laughed at a joke that managed to combine dead babies and 9/11 in one. However, just cheaply making jokes (read: re-posting pictures someone else made and claiming they're OC by throwing a caption on them), there's nothing controversial.

     For anyone that's been around for the crazy experience that is Spike long enough, you know I don't have any issue with debate or differing opinions on things. I'm not going to roll over, and if someone's just trolling for long enough and doing things solely for the sake of being a contrarian, I will ban them, just like any other page admin with something resembling a spine.

    I'm somewhat overcome by a cold, so this hasn't been a particularly competent or strong post. I might rework this once I'm back at 100%. In the meantime, here's this picture, which perfectly describes every [Controversial Humor] page.

     With love,

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