Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Controversial Humor

     As you may know, I have a bit of a problem with the [Controversial Humor] tag for Facebook pages. Namely that this allows pages to post stuff far worse than what I got my first page (and rl account) banned for.

     Moving on.

     These pages are clearly run by the biggest try-hards in existence. There's nothing "controversial" about this so-called humor. They write off any opposition to their posts as people just being butthurt, and continue to pander to the lowest common denominator of audiences.

     I'm not going to claim that, if done right, humor that could be described as controversial can't be funny. It can. I've personally laughed at a joke that managed to combine dead babies and 9/11 in one. However, just cheaply making jokes (read: re-posting pictures someone else made and claiming they're OC by throwing a caption on them), there's nothing controversial.

     For anyone that's been around for the crazy experience that is Spike long enough, you know I don't have any issue with debate or differing opinions on things. I'm not going to roll over, and if someone's just trolling for long enough and doing things solely for the sake of being a contrarian, I will ban them, just like any other page admin with something resembling a spine.

    I'm somewhat overcome by a cold, so this hasn't been a particularly competent or strong post. I might rework this once I'm back at 100%. In the meantime, here's this picture, which perfectly describes every [Controversial Humor] page.

     With love,

Sunday, October 14, 2012

RE: Amanda Todd

   Let's start this serious topic with a nice picture to keep the mood somewhat light for the time being:

    Alright, good, we've got that out of the way.

   First off, I feel it should be noted that I do support suicide as a human right in some circumstances. Those circumstances being in which a person has a medical condition that cannot be cured, and will only lead to unimaginable amounts of pain and suffering before an inevitable death. Under those circumstances, I do feel that a human being has the right to end their lives on their own terms, with as much dignity as possible.

   Furthermore, the world is overpopulated. Resources are going to continue to become scarcer and scarcer. You may hate yourself for acknowledging this, but one fewer person alive is one fewer person to drive up food and other various resource prices. Simple economics.

   Finally, before I begin this in earnest, I feel it should be noted that the only reason Amanda Todd's suicide has garnered any public interest is because she was a cute white girl. If it was a black boy, the overwhelming majority of people who are labeling her suicide a tragedy wouldn't blink an eye.

   Now, I'm trying to play Devil's Advocate with myself. I'm trying to see things from the perspective of a teenage female, something I am not, nor have ever been. However, I do see a couple of things that are blatantly bad decision making that make me question if she could have ever been a productive member of society.

   The whole downward spiral that lead to Amanda Todd's suicide started in earnest when, while in a video call, some anonymous guy told her to flash the camera. I can understand wanting to keep people happy, but I just don't see how you do that for somebody you don't know. Again, impulse decision making with tons of hormones pumping through you can cause impaired logical processes, but we're talking about the internet, and nude pictures of yourself. Maybe things are a tad different up in British Colombia, but it's pretty common knowledge that, should someone at a high school have nude pictures of them taken and fall into the wrong hands, they will spread around said school like wildfire. So, just telling that guy in the video chat to fuck off avoids all this.

   But no. We've got a people pleaser, and child pornography involved. Easily enough to get the guy that was blackmailing her with her own nudes thrown in jail. But let's avoid the logical process of avoiding the police.

   She starts getting bullied at school. Rather than doing things like talking to the administration, and trying to find help, she just sat and moped around. Eventually had to switch schools, somehow thinking that the internet can't find you, especially if you don't do things like DELETE THE FACEBOOK FRIENDS THAT WERE BULLYING YOU.

   Finally, instead of talking to anyone before committing suicide, she just went for it and drank some bleach. Not even an effective method of suicide. Nor fun. Jump off the highest surface you can find in town. Go out with a bang, not a whimper, dammit.

   So, in short, someone with no self-control or ability to assess a situation with an ounce of logic died. And everyone cares because she was a decent looking white girl. Mostly mourned by other average-to-above-average looking white girls who are petrified that the same shit could happen to them.

   The moral of the story? DON'T GO AROUND SHOWING YOUR TITS ONLINE.

Much love,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The post that lead us here.

As you almost assuredly know by now, the reason I made this blog was a ban I got on Facebook for something that didn't actually violate their terms of service. However, they clearly have a bone to pick with me, so, it is what it is.

Anyway, here is, to the best of my memory, the post that lead us all here:

A former war hero, he at one point saw himself homeless and rejected from his dream career. He eventually rose to power, becoming leader of his country. Believing so strongly in what he felt was right, he lead his country to war, and nearly became the most powerful man in the world in doing so. 
This man was Adolf Hitler. What have you done with your life?

Now, I'm a rather open-minded person. If anyone can point out where this violates Facebook's Terms of Service, I openly await being shown where it is. Did I say something along the lines of "lol kill jews and gypsies and gays they suk ;DDD"?

No. I stated a series of historically accurate facts, and used them to show contrast between them and the life of the average person who would read that.

Obviously, Hitler did a lot of bad things. However, you'd be hard-pressed to find any historian who will argue his prowess as a political leader. He was one of the greatest of all time, and fixed the German economy to boot.

I end this with a heart-felt note for Mark Zuckerburg and whoever decided what I posted was a violation of the Terms of Service.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Something worth noting.

When I get home, I'll try my best to transcribe the post that lead to the creation of this blog. In the meantime, I feel like rustling up a few feathers with something that must be said.

Now, this doesn't pertain to all of you, but there are a fair number of females in this community that seem to demand special treatment just by being born female.

Yes, you are the minority gender, but that doesn't make you special. You're nothing great just because you were born with a vagina. You're a person, just like the rest of us. You do not deserve anything out of the ordinary because of who you are.

I do not, nor does anyone else, owe you special privileges, attention, and anything else just for being female. Stop that. You're only making yourself look like a whore.

With love,