Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The post that lead us here.

As you almost assuredly know by now, the reason I made this blog was a ban I got on Facebook for something that didn't actually violate their terms of service. However, they clearly have a bone to pick with me, so, it is what it is.

Anyway, here is, to the best of my memory, the post that lead us all here:

A former war hero, he at one point saw himself homeless and rejected from his dream career. He eventually rose to power, becoming leader of his country. Believing so strongly in what he felt was right, he lead his country to war, and nearly became the most powerful man in the world in doing so. 
This man was Adolf Hitler. What have you done with your life?

Now, I'm a rather open-minded person. If anyone can point out where this violates Facebook's Terms of Service, I openly await being shown where it is. Did I say something along the lines of "lol kill jews and gypsies and gays they suk ;DDD"?

No. I stated a series of historically accurate facts, and used them to show contrast between them and the life of the average person who would read that.

Obviously, Hitler did a lot of bad things. However, you'd be hard-pressed to find any historian who will argue his prowess as a political leader. He was one of the greatest of all time, and fixed the German economy to boot.

I end this with a heart-felt note for Mark Zuckerburg and whoever decided what I posted was a violation of the Terms of Service.

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