Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Something worth noting.

When I get home, I'll try my best to transcribe the post that lead to the creation of this blog. In the meantime, I feel like rustling up a few feathers with something that must be said.

Now, this doesn't pertain to all of you, but there are a fair number of females in this community that seem to demand special treatment just by being born female.

Yes, you are the minority gender, but that doesn't make you special. You're nothing great just because you were born with a vagina. You're a person, just like the rest of us. You do not deserve anything out of the ordinary because of who you are.

I do not, nor does anyone else, owe you special privileges, attention, and anything else just for being female. Stop that. You're only making yourself look like a whore.

With love,


  1. Actually, they're the majority gender. Just pointing that out to improve your argument.

  2. In the Friendship is Magic community? It seems mostly male to me.

  3. Forgot to read the word community... I thought you were talking about this country in general, because your argument applies to that as well.
