Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It begins.

And so, it came to this.

Upon being banned for simply stating a series of facts that involved a number of circumstances that Adolf Hitler had to overcome (all of them true, none controversial or any manner of hate speech), I got a 24 hour ban on Facebook.

Not the hugest of deals, until you consider that the last time Zuckerburg got ban-happy on me I lost my page,  my alt account, my rl account, and for reasons still unknown, my mom's account got taken out.

Seeing that ban pushed things here. Of course, I'll still post on my page and all, but if there's something that I feel might be remotely controversial, I'll have to do it here.

Did I want it to come to this point? Of course not. But Facebook's got a stick up their ass and feels I'm the one to blame for their rectal discomfort, so, yeah.

Hello, Google world. Time to get jiggy with you.

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